Thursday, August 14, 2008
陳贊輝 (候選人 G4)
親愛的選民, 我主要的重點是可持續性發展和環境問題,以及我們如何作為建築師,測量師及規劃師能夠有所作為。
ü 更廣泛地代表我們專業的利益;
ü 每月舉行業界會議,讓你們從而對政府高級官員和立法機關作出影響;
ü 有關你們提出的任何問題/電子郵件,若合情理,定必儘快答覆;
全球絶大多數的頂尖科學、生態專家均一致評論: [ 温室效應所導致的後果 ],其實比許多人預期的還要嚴重更多。世界上大部分冰川將在20年內逐漸融化,導致海洋水位不斷上升,這一切將會在我們及下一代內呈現眼前。甚至香港的部分土地亦有可能長埋於海底之中。
土地的規劃發展 – 為實現理想的持續發展,政府應推出更多的鼓勵政策,如增加綠色的規劃設計,額外地積比率等。
建築設計 – 現行一般設計上的規律方法(Prescriptive),應改為從效應(Performance) 的角度出發,才能切合現今的環保需求。上世紀的條例或常規做法已不能符合變幻莫測的新科技及新時代。對於環境方面的條例應有明確規定,並與國際標準接軌。
建築 – 是否實施可持續的理想發展,應該由消費者選擇。帶有 [ 能源和碳指標 ]的標籤應清楚說明我們可以根據基準,決定自己想購買、居住或工作的建築物。我們可以選擇不購買或不使用一些有可能破壞未來環境的建築物。
發展 – 認為開發和建築祗有壞處是一種錯誤的觀念。事實是,我們需要發展商和承建商去建設我們的社會及家園。在建設發展的同時,他們會為我們帶動社會經濟及投資商機,亦為成千上萬的香港巿民提供就業機會。本人深信未來的發展方向是在可持續的理想目標上與發展商合作。如果我們真正想擁有一個綠色的未來,我們需要有相關的政策和領導,實施強制性、可持續性的 [ 能源和碳指標 ] 標籤,讓消費者來選擇和決定購買、租住一些有效能的理想環境。令消費者選用更多的環保設施,這將使發展商興建及推動更多環保的發展。我們應該為一些致力於環保發展上的發展商提供更多彈性奬勵。值得指出的有,採用有綠色特徵(green features)的成功案例已清楚表明了巿場有這種需求。故對於有關的合作夥伴關係如私人機構與政府的合作夥伴關係(Public & Private Partnership),一些如免稅、貸款、回贈款、稅務回扣等等,可在建設發展過程中作進一步考慮,將有助加快推動更多環保的發展。
現有的建築物 – 我們應速使舊有樓宇更有效率地利用能源。最簡單的方法是政府能夠為舊有樓宇提供 [ 持續性低息貸款 ]。事實上,政府、專業人士和公眾之間的不信任,緩慢了整個社會的發展。我們應該實施理念,使大眾互相信任。我們應該背負這個使命,在政府、專業人士,發展商及公眾之間,維持一個和諧的社會。簡而言之,如果對抗及指責文化盛行於社會上,滲入到香港巿民的生活中,這樣必定無利於社會,更不會給任何人帶來好處。
我現今的工作需要到世界各地,如中國內地、新加坡、日本及亞洲其他地區發展物業。由於工作關係,我曾視察超過200個物業項目,他們都有顯著的“綠化建築設計” ,尤其是在中國,我所看到有著難以置信的進步,並在多方面比香港明顯地更好,香港應該擁有與國家相同的理想。保護環境和實施可持續發展已經成為國家的一個首要工作,對於我們的香港及未來,我們有義務保護這個屬於每一個人的美麗地球。
如果你認為必須有一個更好的政策,並像我真正地相信香港可以改變得更美好,請投陳贊輝一票,為我們的未來 – 實施可持續發展,建立一個綠色的未來。
陳贊輝 (Candidate No G4) 建築、測量及都市規劃界
Tel. (+852) 6198–4853
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Elections to the Legislative Council 2008
The Green Ticket – Sustainable Development
David Chan陳贊輝 (Candidate No. G4)
Architectural, Surveying and Planning Functional Constituency
David Chan陳贊輝 (Candidate No. G4)
Architectural, Surveying and Planning Functional Constituency
Tel. (+852) 6198–4853
Email. - Dear Electors:
- My message and main emphasis is on sustainability and environmental matters and how we as Architects, Surveyors and Planners can make a difference. However, if elected, I also pledge to:
- To Be your Voice and represent the wider interest of our professions;
- Hold monthly constituency meetings to give electors access to influence senior government officials and the legislature;
- Reply expeditiously to all sensible e-mails from electors concerning any issues raised by them;
Sustainability and the Environment
Scientists around the globe are converging with the conclusion that the effect of global warming is actually more serious than originally forecast. The likely effect could be that the significant areas of the polar ice caps and world’s glaciers could melt within 20 years, which will result in rising sea levels. There is the real threat that within most of our lifetime some parts of Hong Kong could be under water.
Buildings consume over 40% of the world’s energy use hence, each building user / owner can make a difference, however small it may seem.
While the task appears insurmountable, I believe there is much we can do as Architects, Surveyors and Planners.
Ø Legislation – It is well known that our legislation for the planning, design, building, building management and maintenance are grossly outdated. The time has come for major changes to bring it up to international level and beyond.
Ø Land and Planning – the Government should provide greater incentives for achieving sustainable development such as a mechanism that allows Developers to build more green features with a corresponding reduction in land premium. The property will be worth more and hence will generate a higher ratable value over the buildings lifecycle exceeding the reduction in land premium. Hong Kong citizens win by getting sustainable buildings with a corresponding smaller carbon footprint and the Government sees more revenue albeit spread over the lifecycle of the building instead of at a short term land auction.
Ø Design – the use of prescriptive method in design should be replaced with a more performance based building codes, which suitably address the needs and aspirations of today’s world. Our Ordinances, Code of Practices, formed generations ago does not fully meet the needs of the constantly changing world and technological advance of our time. There should be concessions for sustainable innovations with clear sets of environmental codes at least on par with international standards.
Ø Building labeling – The implementation of sustainability labeling to give consumers the choice. With labeling for energy and carbon usage clearly stated we could benchmark and decide for ourselves do we want to buy, rent, live or work in an environmental efficient building.
Ø Existing buildings - there is clearly a need to upgrade the energy efficiency for older buildings and the simplest way I think is by promotion and provision of no interest loans for refurbishing buildings incorporating sustainable features.
Ø Development – Clearly there is a misconception that all development and building is bad – Not true – we need Developers and Builders to build our homes and offices. Whilst they do so primarily for financial gain (and conversely undertake financial risk) we need policies and leadership so they build more sustainable buildings.
To encourage Developers to build more building with green features we could, for instance, provide more flexible incentives. It is worth pointing out that the success in adopting the currently available, albeit nominal, green features clearly indicate a demand. Consideration could be in the form of for tax breaks, partnership, loans, public and private partnership (PPP) etc could be a way forward.
The mistrust between our sector, Government and the public that has been allowed to filter into today’s society must be addressed by strengthening the ideal that Professionals and Government are in tune with the publics wishes and to reverse the blame game inherent in society. Lets get everyone on side to support the Green Ticket to begin to see environmentally friendlier and sustainable buildings in Hong Kong.
About myself, I don’t have a Campaign Manager nor will I be sending you glossy books or brochures to highlight my candidacy. It just plain illogical to base my candidacy on the message of protection of the environmental yet insist on sending reams of paper that will only to go in the bin within days.
The green voice is not currently being heard in our legislature and if you would like more of the same for the next few years then there are other candidates who would be able to deliver this for you. If you believe perhaps there could be a different way, a different future. We as citizens, individuals of Hong Kong, China and of this Earth, can truly make a difference by simply adopting sustainable development principles and challenging our Government take the lead to consider everything we do today on sustainable terms and how each of us can affect our world.
Look for the candidate that will work with you and map out the future and beyond. Not as a member of an elite group but truthly believing in supporting our future and to be your voice, a representative, that will speak on your behalf to our Government of your concerns and aspirations.
I urge you to spare a moment to look at the following websites.
I have also copy of the film “An Inconvenient Truth” if anyone wishes to borrow it.
Maybe after watching, you can then decide how to cast your vote? Decide for yourself and ask the question could some parts of Hong Kong be under water within 15 to 20 years? Could this really happen? What will it do to our Economy?
Think of what kind of life it will be if we can no longer see across the harbour due to smog, that the morning and evening sky will be lit up in an eerie shade of yellow everyday. All this will happen within our lifetime if we don’t start making a stand.
Think of our children, as parents we spend time, effort and money getting them through school, making sure they are healthy, spending our best effort for their well being, to hopefully ensure they have a bright future. But have we missed anything?
My work takes me all across China and to date we have significantly reduced construction waste for over 200 projects that we do across Greater China,
As a father, I do the best for my family to make sure we have a secure and comfortable life and that they are well cared for. As a citizen, I pledge to do my bit, my small effort, for a greener society.
I sincerely hope that as Surveyors, Planners and Architects you share this concern for our environment, who ever you decide to vote for. The message for sustainable development is one, which will be heard, loudly in the new Legislative Council.
Best Regards
David Chan
陳贊輝 (Candidate No G4)
Architectural, Surveying and Planning Functional Constituency
Tel. (+852) 6198–4853
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