Saturday, September 6, 2008

AS&P LegCo forum or a war of words between IA and IS....

I normally only report on global warming issue.

But I think this is worth sharing as it was basically open war of words between HKIS presidents, senior members of the HKS and HKIA council.

On Thursday 4 sept 2008 7pm till late was the "main" institute arrange election forum, HKIS decided not to have one.

The meeting, organize by the HKIA with members of HKIS, HKIP, HKILA invisted

A joint forum was not a bad idea if the aim is find a new Legislative Councilor representing the Architectural, Surveying and Planning Functional Constituency. A new strong, honest, professional, a person with integrity who was supposedly going to unite the 6100 or so professional members on a common goal and mission to develop a better Hong Kong. it was a closed forum, outsiders were hence not invited. No press was present.

It was one of the last opportunity for the 4 new candidates and the incumbent to talk about how they are the best person to do this job for the next 4 years

This "main event" (which felt more like the Hong Kong version of American idol) was not well attended, only about 40 but I guess still at least allowed the 5 LegCo candidates to speak to members of the all 4 institutes. Of the 6100 members about 40 weret here, primarily "council members, various appointed election agents and helpers (probably take up about a dozen).

There were some argument about seating with the HKIS president decided not to sit upfront for the forum. Kind of strange when the forum sole purpose was for all the candidate to speak.

After another 5-10min of arguing, with senior members of the HKIA shouting across the room about the IS candidate not respect architects, counter statement about improper actions of some members etc. Finally it was decided that the Surveyor candidate would sit in as a bystander.
So after 45 mins, the event finally started, and we all did our standard speech, I did my usual single agenda about the accelerated effect of global warming, that the sea could start flooding in by 2013. Had all this data with me expecting people might ask about this, where the water is coming from, what can we do, if it does come what would HK be like,what kind of flood defense we might need etc.

Not one single question has been asked on these, I also thought there may be some questions about the introduction of a sustainability code. What we can do to upgrade our very outdated building regulations to new energy and insulation requirements. Perhaps some might be interested in how old buildings could be upgrade to better energy efficiency how much we could save electricity cost. Even upgrade of the fire safety requirements to avoid future problem like the recent fire?

How about conservation, someone must be interest in how best we should conserve what little left of our heritage, after all thousands of people did protest about the demolition of the Star ferry pier, Queens pier. people protest, camped and slept overnight, hunger strike etc etc, perhaps these must be interested on that. In the end there was a planner who did question about why did the incumbent decided to take the absent vote. there were some discussion about what each would do and right and wrong of it all (and all that time I was thinking look guys, we lost these pier for good, even if one was rebuilt after all this reclaim, it will just be a monument not quite the working pier that use to serve royals, high ranking civil servant, investments bankers and corporate get together boat rides.
I thought shouldn't we be talking more as to how were can best stop things like this from ever happening again. but the conversation degenerated into rule and regulations of how antiquity board work and there are so much great things already the LegCo had done etc etc..

There were bit and pieces about people political view, whether the candidates are democrats, whether they are pro development. there were some talk about sustainability (a few minutes quite a bit about how bad the government system of engaging consultants.
about how fees are 20% of normal under a competitive tender.

There were ideas about how great overseas countries are in engaging consultants based upon good architectural design. As everyone who have worked overseas knows, this is not really strictly true as the same kind of complaints or new types of equally valid complaints are also said overseas, like bidding a one dollar fee?

Anyway, no point in elaborate on that, other than the grass is always greener on the other side and many of the great ideas about how open competitions are in the wast are limited to grand scheme projects and most other mundane government projects are procure the same way, proposals plus fee. There was the show of 2 year old Al Gore inconvenient truth again (which until recently I have only find out that most of the professional had not seen).

There was a bit more talk about planning, how would transfer of development right would solve the problem of Hong Kong. There were more discussion about democrat, should the LegCo vote for the AS&P member or the view of the party.

Toward the end, the HKIS candidate did decided to say some words about integrity and how he would unite the four institute, some of the audience opening criticize how could this be true if you can't even respect this forum and sit in front on stage and answer the questions?

More back of forth of angry words, other statements which I was too hungry and tired to remember and that was about it, after 2 hours and30 mins, the show of the next Hong Kong Idol was finally over.

I can go home, hopefully see my children before they go to bed. It is interesting that I notice most of the younger members who came to listen has gone, drifted away quietly probably a long time ago, and what was left was council members, some familiar faces that seem to like going to these and ask the "tough questions". There were few tough question at least for me anyway, other than some strange looks, probably thinking what is this guy doing here talking about global warming and conserving what is left of our heritage in Hong Kong.....

"what is in it for him, why is he here?"

I guess these were my thoughts
Can I be wasting my time?
But then, it was getting late, and I was really tired, and was looking forward in seeing my family....

Friday, September 5, 2008

In 2013, what could 7meter rise in sea level do to Hong Kong ?

Incoming tide

waterline will surpass legco

Increasing rainfall

And on the other side of the earth.........

Global warming, if the scientists are correct the two polar ice caps and glaciers melts.
So far most computer modelling conducted are wrong - this is happening faster than we all think.

We can wait for legCo to decide, we can wait for 2017 or 2020, we can wait for the new CE.

Global warming does not wait, it will come and politics are not going to stop that happening, when we start building huge flood walls all the way along our coastlines, when government starts to build massive dam liked barriers. Perhaps we can still wait.

Make Sustainability, Conservation and the environment central to government policies, make it a primary objective to reduce carbon emissions, do it now and make a better world for us and the future.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

August 2008 saw second largest summer shrinkage

A few years ago, scientists were predicting ice-free Arctic summers by about 2080.
Then computer models started projecting earlier dates, around 2030 to 2050.
Then came the 2007 summer that saw Arctic sea ice shrink to the smallest extent ever recorded, down to 4.2 million sq km from 7.8 million sq km in 1980.
By the end of last year, one research group was forecasting ice-free summers by 2013.
"I think we're going to beat last year's record melt, though I'd love to be wrong," said Dr Stroeve.
"If we do, then I don't think 2013 is far off any more. If what we think is going to happen does happen, then it'll be within a decade anyway."

Summer ice cover in the Arctic has declined sharply
Rising tide
Countries surrounding the Arctic are eyeing the economic opportunities that melting ice might bring.
Canada and Russia are exploring sovereignty claims over tracts of Arctic seafloor, while just this week US President George Bush has urged more oil exploration in US waters - which could point the way to exploitation of reserves off the Alaskan coast.
But from a climate point of view, the melt could bring global impacts accelerating the rate of warming and of sea level rise.
"This is a positive feedback process," commented Dr Ian Willis, from the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge.
"Sea ice has a higher albedo (reflectivity) than ocean water; so as the ice melts, the water absorbs more of the Sun's energy and warms up more, and that in turn warms the atmosphere more - including the atmosphere over the Greenland ice sheet."
Greenland is already losing ice to the oceans, contributing to the gradual rise in sea levels.
The ice cap holds enough water to lift sea levels globally by about seven metres (22ft) if it all melted.
Natural climatic cycles such as the Arctic Oscillation play a role in year-to-year variations in ice cover.
But Julienne Stroeve believes the sea ice is now so thin that there is little chance of the melting trend turning round.
"If the ice were as thin as it was in the 1970s, last year's conditions would have brought a dip in cover, but nothing exceptional.
"But now it's so thin that you would have to have an exceptional sequence of cold winters and cold summers in order for it to rebuild."

Only a major disaster would stir people into action?

SCMP 3 9 2008
This is the most recent article from a London-Based Independent Journalist Gwynne Dyer.
Interesting read, inside you will find that recent evidences are indicating that melting of the Ice Cap due to Global Warming could be as early as 2013 and not 2050 or 2070 as previously predicted.
The impact of this to Hong Kong - Up to 7 meters rises (22 ft) in sea level. Most of Hong Kong could be under water in 2013?
A chilling thought.
The point of this article what would it take to make people realize that the problem is serious, in the US it took major destruction, lost of thousands of lives, millions of home, billions in damages of Hurricane Katrina before people started to take notice.
So what could make Hong Kong people take notice, by then could it be too late already? Can Hong Kong survive a direct hit the likes of Katrina?

Global warming open up seas peviously part of the Arctic

SCMP 1_9_2008
Open water now stretches all the way round the Arctic, making it possible for the first time in human history to circumnavigate the North Pole. Basically what this does represent is that a lot of Artic ice has melted.

Monday, September 1, 2008

David Chan (no4) - Sustainability and Conservation

Dear Electors,

My name is David Chan, Candidate No 4 for the AS&P functional constituency.

I am running this on a platform of sustainable development and conservation which affects our future, in particular our children future and the younger generations. The leaflets outline some of the main issues and would be very please if you do take a little of your time in reading it. The issues of global warming really is a lot more serious than most of us think and lead to believed. Unfortunately, my works does mean I need to do quite a bit of research into this topic and the more I do that the more I can see this as a problem that is not going to go away. The prospect of some part of Hong Kong being under water is really a possible reality that could happen within our lifetime.

So hence, my reason to run, that I would try in getting this message across for the changes needed, to make a better Hong Kong. That if we can really stop or slow this global warming process down, I can say to my children when they grown, that what we have done now have improve their future.

On Sustainability - I will be pushing for changes to the legislation and the introduction of sustainable building codes, Currently the Environmental Bureau (EB) have completed the public consultation and will be looking at how this could be implemented with a view of taking this to LegCo. The issue being the is primarily a EB/EMSD initiative and we know that there is an another side of this which is for building. The Buildings Department have launch a voluntary code, CEPAS, Comprehensive Environmental Performance Assessment Scheme For Building. While this is quite a detail documents, the take up rate for using this has being disappointing.
I think the way forward is for this or part of this to become mandatory.
It is worth noting that an environmental labeling system does not itself created green buildings, but just that by labeling sustainability, it that does provide consumer a choice when they buy or rent premises. The choice would be put to the consumers so that like buying a fridge or an Air-conditioning, you will have a clear label so that you know how energy efficient your building really is.

There is a separate exercise that is also required to amend the current building regulations and code of practices to international level so that better energy efficiency can be achieve, simple things like insulation windows with a performance driven energy requirements. In fact it is the time really to review the whole Building Ordinance totally so that it better reflect the design and construction requirements of modern times. Compare to other countries we are really quite behind. The recent problem with fire safety for example, further highlight the imminent need for changes to our understanding and implementation, and enforcement of fire safety, we should also be considering looking at a more performance basis systems.

On Conservation of our heritage
Conservation is part and parcel with sustainability
and affect ours and the next generations. Ultimately what we do decide to destroy as part of our heritage now will mean those in the future will never be able to touch, feel and experience and that will be forever! The key message is that many parts of Hong Kong including Central, Wanchai has reached saturation point in its development and destruction of its heritage. It is quite obvious the condition of traffic in Hong Kong Island are congested and will remain so, even with the new proposed P2 bypass that has resulted in the lost of two of our most important heritage landmark, Star Ferry and Queens Pier, both now only exist truly in our collective memories.

If we continue at this unabated development rates, traffic congestion can only get worst, air quality further deteriorate, heat island effect increases, the city will get hotter, pollutant level higher and overall living and working conditions worsen.

At Mid-levels and Central we simply cannot build any higher with the current infrastructure and only the last remnants of the area's heritage remain - if you destroy these, then there is none left and Hong Kong will be lifeless as a chain of one mega shopping centre to another. Is that really what we want Hong Kong to be, a soulless city for shoppers?

For instance there is a great deal of anger and concern at URA's proposal on wanchai and central which will likely increase alienation and disaffection in the community against the government and the URA who will be seen as mainly enriching developers while destroying Hong Kong's heritage, destroying existing communities and destroying some of the most wonderful icon of Hong Kong which is loved by tourists and local people. I meet a lot of people from overseas, from international finance, expats and heads of large international companies, many are quite certain that places such as SOHO, Wanchai market are things that made people love Hong Kong and want to live here.

We are about to destroy more of these for short term profit replace with Disney style theme park shops, more high towers and again yet more shopping centres. We already have a Disney style Star Ferry, do we really want more? Will people still comes to Hong Kong for just gimmicks and shopping alone?

Professional Unity - one thing I have learnt is that there is a difference of opinions that had lead to really quite a degree of disagreement between the various institutes of AS&P. Primary this has been between architects and planners and the surveyors. It is interesting to note that this should not be happening because in the commercial world the various members of what we do actually compliment each others. That is almost all projects consist of Surveyor, Architects, Planners and Landscape architect at some stage of the design, construction and in fact over a building cycle. I believe there could be better way for us to work more closer together in particularly when under a LegCo who represent is, this should be the case, rather than architect will always side on architects, surveyors to surveyors, planner to planners etc. The voice of some of the smaller institutes such as Planners in fact and within surveyors the BS and Land surveyors should also be represented.

Overall I do believe in one man one vote and eventually the functional constituency will need to fall in line with what has been given in the time frame under the basic law under the principle of one man one vote. Until then we could do a lot more as "Professional" and a lot lot more for our environment. In many universities, the fact that Architectural, Surveying and Planning are all under the faculties of the Environment speaks for the fact that is really what we do.
Politically we need to think more that we are a city, a city within China that has a a high degree of autonomy, we are not a country so should not be driven politically or aspire to be one. As professional it is our duty to explain the benefits and problems when we build and develop onto our fragile environment.

I hope the future will be for all of us working together for a better world for us and our children we can all share as goal for a better future, in the end do we really want to be seen as elitist group of a little over 6000 plus of different disciplines and groups who cannot even agreed amongst themselves, particularly over important issues of conservation and environment. How can we as professional expect public support when we have fail them. We can continue to sit sit inside the small circle and continue to debate and scheming over the next best to protect the personal interest.

In the end, the final choice for the Electors are really between "conservatives", "liberals" or in the "middle of the road", those that "bends like a willow tree" or will "speak out" for the people:

So do you want a LegCo member who will delivered more of the same as before or do you want something very different, like putting environmental and conservation right up front as part of his political agenda, Look closely at the all the mail which you have, you will see unity, create business opportunity, promote professionalism, cultivate young talents etc etc. To me these are not platform but prerequisite to anyone who is standing for LegCo, why would anyone standing should want to state the obvious, which if you remember 4 years ago the statements are much the same as last time round.

It is like calling ourselves honest, trustworthy, dependable, professional. Is this not given?
Would you elect anyone who is not?

Attached is my original election platform and a couple of recent articles on sustainability features on the newspapers FYI. Some of my thoughts I have also put under my blog:

The Key I think is not to over promise of everything under the sun and giving a whole list of promises and can do's, which if you count them one by one, the question must be can this really be achievable within the next few years? Can anyone really do all that under a LegCo system with limited power and authority - a LegCo where as a Law maker, he or she can only passes laws that are put forward by the government, giving that one vote amongst many? We do need to be realistic, in promising the earth, this can only lead to future disappointments to their electors. but then he will already be in for a term and reach that goal.

For me doing 2 things:

Sustainability and Conservation, if I can just do these two tasks and do them well, I am certain we will already have a better Hong Kong for all of us.

I do look forward to your support, please support a better sustainable, greener Hong Kong.

Best Regards

David Chan - Candidate No 4